Avionics Requirement Management
Client: CAC Avionic Sytems
Project Brief
- Support the generation of Avionics/Systems documentation in support of NATO JEWCS product development and support of Technical reviews.
- Provide Avionics Interface for both internal and external tasks.
Project Approach
- Review NATO JEWCS Avionics requirements & existing design
- Definition of preliminary operational scenarios
- Requirements validation – confirm that the individual requirements are Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic and Testable (SMART) and that the requirement set is an adequate description of the desired system
Project Solution
- Provide requirements traceability – ensure backwards and forwards traceability is captured
- Develop detailed plan through design requirements up to CDR, including preparation for all interim reviews
- SEMP update and review
Project Outcome
- Provided updated project documentation & reports
- Supported interface identification & design – mechanical, electrical, avionic & software
- Delivered system Integration activities – analysis, similarity, read across & testing
- Delivered verification activities – Internal VCRM, customer & EASA compliance matrices